Joey ‘Cannon’ Cannizzaro and Dan ‘Handgun’ Bustillo



November 3, 2015, 7pm-8:30pm

Here and Now Healing Center

5471 Huntington Drive North

Los Angeles, California 90032


Join Joey ‘Cannon’ Cannizzaro and Dan ‘Handgun’ Bustillo for a conversation about trolls, pissing on stuff, medieval persecution ideologies, and the limitations of harmonious art. Dan Bustillo and Joey Cannizzaro formed the Best Friends Learning Gang, an experiment in decentralized and expertless workshops; they are both part of neverhitsend, a collective that performs discussions about communications ideology; and they co organize events with parafactual institution Los Angeles College. DHB investigates power dynamics and jester tactics in their ongoing research and letter writing practices. JC writes and executes undisciplinary, disorderly scores that play with the semantics and semiotics of power.